
Ozonated Water System
¡@ ¡@ Drinking    Bottling   Disinfection   Processing


¡½ Ozone is 2,000 time more efficient than chlorine in disinfection

¡½ The decomposition half-life time is within 22 minutes

¡½ Plug-and-play ready system





What is water supply ozone treatment system?


The water supply ozone treatment system is a skid-mounted and plug-and-play ready system including:

(1) feed gas supply unit

(2) ozone generator

(3) booster pump

(4) ozone injection (CO-mixer)

(5) ozone sensor

(6) ozone destructor

(7) control panel

The system is capable to provide ozonated water at desired dissolving ozone concentration. The installation is as simple as to connect the water inlet to the system and the water outlet piping to the point of use, and electricity to the control panel box. The control panel box incorporates with a programmable logical controller and human machine interface (HMI) to provide easy access to start up and to monitor the operation status.




Operation Interface


                            Operation main page

                                     DO3 setting page



Highly functional and easy to use


128 x 64 dots resolution


Back light LCD display




Built in password options for safe system operation


Alarm indication LED


Remote system access using PC





[Technical Information]