The operation of ozonated swimming pool





The principle:




Inject ozone of high concentration (0.4 ppm - 0.6 ppm) at the entrance of the pool to fulfill disinfection, and to maintain residual ozone at low concentration (0.03 ppm - 0.05 ppm) which acts as disinfectant in the pool.

The residual ozone concentration = Injected ozone concentration – ozone decay




Take a swimming pool volume of 1,875 cubic meter (L50 m × W25 m × D15 m), water circulation duration of four hours, injected ozone concentration of 0.4 ppm as an example, after 60 minutes ozone injection, the residual ozone concentration reach a static level of 0.04 ppm which meets requirement for bacteria controlling standard.





The operation:


Turn on the ozone system 60 minutes before the opening hour of the pool.

Adjust the output of the ozone generator, in accordance with the temperature, quality of water, and the number of swimmer, to achieve the desired injected ozone concentration, which is monitored at the entrance of the water into the pool and displayed on the panel of ozone generator.

Allow the water to carry out a complete circulation at injected ozone concentration of two times more than desired value at the pool closing hour.





Information needed for designing  ozonated swimming pool



1. The dimension of swimming pool: length x width x depth (meter)

2. The water circulation rate: cubic meter/hour

3. Outdoor or indoor

4. Private or public

5. How many users per day

6. The location of water inlet/outlet





[Application Information]