Customer Q1:
  Why use ozone?
  AirTree A1:

When chlorine is introduced into water, chlorine will react with ammonia and organic compounds to form chloramines and chloroform (THM). Chloramines cause irritating smell and red eyes. Chloroform is a toxic carcinogen. Other toxic by-products of water chlorination are thrihalomethanes, developed from partially oxidized organics. EPA in safe Water Act has identified THM’s as hazardous. Unlike chlorine, ozone will quickly decompose into oxygen leaving no harmful products in the water.


  Customer Q2:
  Does ozonated swimming pool pose risk to our health because of using ozone?
  AirTree A2:

Ozonated swimming pool utilizes AirTree’s coaxial pressurized liquid gas separator mixer (COLP)TM to inject ozone into the water that results in no off-gas of ozone but ozonated water flowing into the swimming pool.

The residual ozone concentration in the pool is less than 0.05 ppm, even escapes from the surface of water to the air, the concentration is still below legally 0.1 ppm averaged over an 8 hour period.


  Customer Q3:
  Is ozone corrosive to pipe or other equipments?
  AirTree A3:

No, the injected ozone concentration is 0.4 ppm to 0.6 ppm and the residual ozone concentration is 0.03 ppm to 0.05 ppm so that both ozone concentrations are far below the corrosive level of 2 ppm.





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