
Chemical treatment vs. Ozone treatment

Operating cost analysis of chemical treatment system for cooling tower:

Taking 2,500 RT cooling tower as an example


1. The water circulation rate (Q): 13 l/min/RT x 2,500 RT = 32,500 l/min

                                                             1 RT = 13 l/min = 0.78 m3/h

2. Evaporation loss (Q1): T / 5.8 x 1% x Q = 279.5 l/min

                                              (T = change in temperature, T = 5¢J)

3. Drift loss (Q2) = 0.001 x 1% x Q = 0.325 l/min

4. Cycles of concentration (COC) = 5

  If COC is unknown, default is 5.

5.  Blowdown rate (Q3) = 0.9 / (COC - 1) = 0.9 / (5 - 1) = 0.225

6. Blowndown load = 1

7. Blowndown (Q4) = Q3 x Q / 100 = 73.125 l/min

8. Make-up water (Q5) = (Q1 + Q2 + Q4) x (365 x 24 x 60 x 1) = 185,510 CDM/yr

9. Annual cost of make up water (Q6) = water cost in              $/CDM x Q5

10. Chemicals cost (Q7):              $/month x 12 =              $/yr 

      Total annual operating cost = Q6 + Q7 =              $/yr


Note: Repair and maintenance cost is not included.



Radiator of cooling tower without ozone treatment

Operating cost analysis of ozone treatment system for cooling tower:

Taking 2,500 RT cooling tower as an example


1. The water circulation rate (Q): 13 l/min/RT x 2,500 RT = 32,500 l/min

                                                             1 RT = 13 l/min= 0.78 m3/h

2. Evaporation loss (Q1): T / 5.8 x 1% x Q = 279.5 LPM

                                              (T = change in temperature, T = 5¢J)

3. Drift loss (Q2) = 0.001 x 1% x Q = 0.325 l/min

4. Cycles of concentration (COC) = 10

5.  Blowdown rate (Q3) = 0.9 / (COC - 1) = 0.9 / (10 - 1) = 0.1

6. Blowndown load = 0.9

7. Blowndown (Q4) = Q3 x Q / 100 = 0.1 x 32,500 / 100 = 32.5 l/min

8. Make-up water (Q5) = (Q1 + Q2 + Q4) x (365 x 24 x 60 x 0.9) = 147,742 CDM/yr

9. Annual cost of make up water (Q6) = water cost in              $/CDM x Q5

10. Electricity consumption:

  Power consumption of cooling tower ozone equipment              kW/h + Pump power consumption              kW/h

11. Electricity cost (Q7):

  Electricity consumption              kW/h x daily operating hours x 365 x unit price of electricity =              $/yr


Total annual operating cost = Q6 + Q7 =              $/yr




       Radiator of cooling tower with ozone treatment





[CE Certificate]