About applications I



Do you produce medical units. If yes I will be needing all related information?









So far, AirTree does not produce medical application approved ozone generator. This issue is too broad for us as an ozone generator manufacturer to pursue alone. However, practically, regarding to the medical applications, ozone generators of AirTree have three unique characters 1) Clean; ozone formation between the surfaces of two quartz tube no metallic containments, ozone contact parts are made of stainless steel and Teflon, the only one ozone generator that can adapt pure oxygen gas as gas supply 2) Stable output installed power factor unit 3) Features adjustability in gas flow and ozone intensity and external controlling.





Which unit of yours is suitable for preparation of ozonated olive oil ointment?




Sorry we are unable to answer this question because we do not have experience in olive oil ointment ozonation.




Which unit of yours is suitable for water purification for home use?




We are glad to recommend water tank ozonator (blue owl) to you.




Do you have a generator that we can run water in and get 0.1 mg/l of ozone in water?





You had put in a request of ozone generator that provide 0.1 mg/l of ozone in water, however, in order to supply you the suitable model, we have to know your water flow, and possibly the application.  Please inform us the above information for us to further understand your request.






Our water flow is 6 gallons per minute. We are filling tanks at this rate.






According to your 6 gallons per minute's water flow rate, we would suggest to you to employ Model: Bob-7, it is capable of producing 0.9 g ozone dissolved in water per hour, and it is sufficient to meet your requirement of 0.1  mg/l of ozone in water. Please visit our website for more information regard to the Bob-7 ozone generator. Please feel free to contact us if you require further information.






We would like some information on an ozone machine for recycling and reusing waste water. (Water we use for washing trucks to take out Bacteria and smell)







Ozone not only is used to treat waste water for reusing, the ozonated water can do the truck wash to effectively take out bacteria and smell. That is, washing truck with ozonated water.  Please see the scheme of ozonated water setup in the attachment. In order to work out a proposal, please inform us what is your water output flow rate (gallon/min or tons per hour) used in truck washing? What is the total amount of water per day? What is the HP of the water pump? What is the diameter of pipe of the water pump? E-mailing a digital photo of the site to us, if it is possible, could help lot.


Cooling tower ozonator


I. How to calculate the operating cost of chemical treatment system for cooling tower?

   Operating cost analysis of chemical treatment system for cooling tower:


1. The water circulation rate (Q): 13 l/min/RT x 2,500 RT = 32,500 l/min

                                                             1 RT = 13 l/min = 0.78 m3/h

2. Evaporation loss (Q1): T / 5.8 x 1% x Q = 279.5 l/min

                                              (T = change in temperature, T = 5℃)

3. Drift loss (Q2) = 0.001 x 1% x Q = 0.325 l/min

4. Cycles of concentration (COC) = 5

    If COC is unknown, default is 5.

5.  Blowdown rate (Q3) = 0.9 / (COC - 1) = 0.9 / (5 - 1) = 0.225

6. Blowndown load = 1

7. Blowndown (Q4) = Q3 x Q / 100 = 73.125 l/min

8. Make-up water (Q5) = (Q1 + Q2 + Q4) x (365 x 24 x 60 x 1) = 185,510 CDM/yr

9. Annual cost of make up water (Q6) = water cost in              $/CDM x Q5

10. Chemicals cost (Q7):              $/month x 12 =              $/yr 

      Total annual operating cost = Q6 + Q7 =              $/yr

Note: Repair and maintenance cost is not included.



II. How to calculate the operating cost of chemical treatment system for cooling tower?

    Operating cost analysis of ozone treatment system for cooling tower:


1. The water circulation rate (Q): 13 l/min/RT x 2,500 RT = 32,500 l/min

                                                             1 RT = 13 l/min = 0.78 m3/h

2. Evaporation loss (Q1): T / 5.8 x 1% x Q = 279.5 l/min

                                              (T = change in temperature, T = 5℃)

3. Drift loss (Q2) = 0.001 x 1% x Q = 0.325 l/min

4. Cycles of concentration (COC) = 10

5.  Blowdown rate (Q3) = 0.9 / (COC - 1) = 0.9 / (10 - 1) = 0.1

6. Blowndown load = 0.9

7. Blowndown (Q4) = Q3 x Q / 100 = 0.1 x 32,500 / 100 = 32.5 l/min

8. Make-up water (Q5) = (Q1 + Q2 + Q4) x (365 x 24 x 60 x 0.9) = 147,742 CDM/yr

9. Annual cost of make up water (Q6) = water cost in              $/CDM x Q5

10. Electricity consumption:

      Power consumption of cooling tower ozone equipment              kW/h + Pump power consumption              kW/h

11. Electricity cost (Q7):

      Electricity consumption              kW/hr x daily operating hours x 365 x unit price of electricity =              $/yr 


Total annual operating cost = Q6 + Q7 =              $/yr






C-Lasky C-L010 mode applied to air treatment

Because C-Lasky supplies high concentrated ozone it is suitable for instantaneous air cleanness or setting the timer for large space air disinfecting and dispelling insects at night. It has been widely applied to air clearness, goods reservation and disinfectant bacteria in places such as, office, library, hospital, hotel room, warehouse, supermarket, restaurant, and food industry.
When used for air treatment the C-L010 is capable of producing 150 cubic meters per minutes of ozonated air at 0.05 ppm air concentration. The concentration maybe increased up to 0.25 ppm if an external oxygen gas supply is used. When applied to large area, it is recommend that ozone is dispersed via 15 holes (one mm in diameter) along the length of a 1/4" O.D. Teflon tube. All of them can easily add in to various systems depending on the request of ozone concentration and ozone production.


G-Sapphire P-20 applied to water disinfection

P-20 can be coupled to water storage tank to provide disinfected water for the need of drinking water, pharmaceutical grade water, water for food processing etc. One of typical application was presented in "Proceeding of the International Ozone Association Pan American Group 2001 Annual Conference," titled "Case Study of Sterile Purified Water Disinfection with Ozone in Pharmaceutical Applications" by Chiou-Hwa Su.